

As an independent artist, Tkacz Gregoire never sold his art through dealers or third-party galleries. This ensured that his work would not be undersold, and that the prices fairly reflected the product: the highest-quality original artwork produced with the highest-quality materials.

If you are an owner of some of his work, you may be interested in knowing how it should be valued. Although any price reflects what a seller is willing to accept and what a buyer is willing to pay, the following pricing history of Gregoire’s art can be used as a guide.

From archived documents and press interviews, we can determine how prices evolved over time. In parentheses we provide the equivalent price in 2008 dollars in order to account for the effects of inflation.

1963: Kennedy portrait was valued at $1,000 ($7,141) for customs purposes [Customs invoice]

1967: Prices start at $550 ($3477) for a 20x24 portrait [Corpus Christi Caller]

1968: Refused $5,000 ($30,400) for the Kennedy portrait; would do a portrait for a minimum of $250 ($1,520) [Kitchener-Waterloo Record]

1976: Portarit of Alexandre Tache sold for $3,000 ($11,000) [Letter from the Quebec National Assembly]


1978: Portraits sell for as much as $3,000 ($9,355) [Willimantic Chronicle]

1983: 24x30 landscapes priced at $4,000 ($7,900) and 24x30 portraits at $7,500 ($14,700). Large 36x54 painting priced at $9,500 ($18,700). [Price list from Gregoire’s final exhibition, held in Detroit in 1983; price list stamped at Windsor, Ontario, border crossing]


No new art bearing the Tkacz Gregoire name has been created since 1986, and none ever will again given his passing in 2002. The supply is therefore limited and finite, which exerts upward pressure on the price of his work. Any individuals wishing to sell Gregoire’s art should keep all these factors in mind.

Prices for the remaining paintings in the artist’s private collection begin at $50,000. If you require further details about a particular piece, please reference the painting by name in your correspondence to us at


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